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Let's get started

My clients are loving and compassionate people which is why they often say yes when they mean no. They have been shown through childhood experiences or romantic relationships that others wants and needs are more important than their own. They put on a brave face but are terrified that the world will see through this smile. Beneath this smile is a core belief that there is something fundamentally flawed about them. Their inner voice says, “you are unlovable.” Paradoxically, what my clients crave the most is also what they are the most terrified of: connection, acceptance, and love.

I help individuals discover their strength and their voice. Together, we work through the painful past experiences that has forced their authentic self into exile. Once we discover who the client’s true self is, they are able to start living their life in a way that feels fulfilling, meaningful, and full of purpose.

While many clients do not know what to expect at the beginning of therapy, they can expect that I as their therapist will be present, genuine, and empowering. I have worked with an extensive number of clients and know what works. I would love to hear from you! Call me today for a free 15 minute consultation.

Reach out to me today!

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I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.